A whole lot of changes (mostly fantastic and exciting) are happening around here and there hasn't been a whole lot of time (but mostly energy) for new sewing projects.
Sewing may have taken a backseat for a bit, but I have not altogether withdrawn from the crafting world in favour of the boring reality of work and life. Recently I decided that my little LaLa NEEDED leg warmers. I could have ordered her a pair of expensive BabyLegs, or even created my own quick version using socks, but no, I envisioned her wearing lovely ballet pink fluffy knitted leg warmers and it sounded like the perfect project...except I couldn't knit!
My very dear and incredibly patient Nana came for a visit last month and spent a great deal of time teaching me how to knit (without any sign of frustration...but perhaps a little amusement at my lack of coordination at times). All was going fabulously, until my Nana returned to Melbourne. So then began the frustrating week of knitting half a leg warmer, dropping a stitch, trying to pick it up, messing it up, unravelling the entire leg warmer and starting again. About 12 unravelling's later, I finally decided to settle for imperfection. So we have it...one leg warmer...one leg warmer that has now become an arm warmer. If only my Nana had of been here to remind me to cast off on larger needles....
I have been equally as unmotivated to take photos recently so photos of my lovely, imperfect single armwarmer will just have to wait. Until then, some photos of little LaLa off to Brunch...
Pinafore dress - Heather Ross Far, Far Away double-guaze fabric, pattern adapted from Japanese pattern book
Cardigan - blue cotton lycra with lace trim, pattern adapted from Japanese pattern book
Ruffled skirt - cream babywale cord, own design