It's been a busy week, between work and the kids and all that terribly grown up stuff I also managed to handsew the lining into another vintage style coat, design hats, hats and more hats, I whipped up some Oliver + S skirts and Ottobre blouses for Miss Charlotte and friends and of course I also found just a little time to go shopping for more fabulous fabrics for some of my new projects.
When I finally exhausted myself after a hardcore morning of stitchin', I noticed it was a really lovely afternoon. I formulated a grand plan to go to my parents house after I got the kids from school to take some pics of my lovely Lala modelling one of my latest outfits. By the time I hauled Miss Charlotte, the camera, the clothes and myself over two gates (my parents weren't home...), the sun had almost gone down. I managed to take a couple of grainy/blurry photos, mostly of the back of Lala's head as she ran like the Energizer Bunny from one end of the yard to the other, before we had to relaunch ourselves back over the gates. Given I did damage to my unfit body getting over all of those fences, I'll be buggered if I don't share some photos no matter how grainy/blurry they are!
Cloche - redrafted from original 1920's pattern

Tunic top Ottobre 3/09
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